You are a New Creation | Dennis Diaz
Scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:17 “Those of us who trust in Christ are made new – the old is passed, everything is made new.”
Your sinful nature, who you used to be on the inside, is dead and buried with Christ. Old habits, old sins are no longer who you are on the inside. Things like impatience, anger, lust, bitterness, worry, fear, selfishness, they are no longer who you are at the core of your being. All things are made new.
You have a new beginning, a new future, new purpose, new power – the power of the Holy Spirit who raised Christ from the dead, a new nature – the nature of Jesus himself is who you are at your core of your being. In your spirit you are as patient, loving, pure, joyful, forgiving, as unselfish as Christ himself. Water baptism symbolizes this radical change and helps us have a deeper understanding of this being made new.
If you have never been water baptized since giving your life to Christ, talk to a pastor of a Bible-believing church and request to be. Experience the new person Christ has made you.
#lascruces #DesertOasisChurch #Faith #Grace #newcreation #inspiration